Sunday, July 20, 2008

my brother died !

Salam Alaikum, Sorry for not logging on the past 4 weeks .
my 9 years old brother died , he was coming back from the mosque after mhagrib prayer driving his bicycle , and suddenly ... a car in the street hit him and killed him directly . ! was it his fault ? no, it wasn't . the car didn't even open its lights and the driver was 17 or 18 years old i guess he even didn't have his driving license . who should i blame ? after i have lost a part of me ? my brother ;* ..

oh my brother..
i am missing you soo much !! ..
in a way that you cannot imagine ;*

alhamdolila, my family and i have faith and we wont lose it enshalla , we will see him in jannah :).. i am proud of him ;*..

wa ina Allaha ma3a a9aberen ..




Big Pearls said...

oh dear, 3atham allah ajerkom. allah ya36ekom il 9aber inshalla o yer7amah o yeqamed ro7ah il jana.

Eluded Euphoria said...

=( ya 7ayaaati... 3a'6am alla ajerkum oo alla ethabitkom inshala, shay ega6i3 el galb wala =( kila mn hal shabab el 6ayish ala yakfena sharhum.. tell me shbe9er 3la eli d3ama ?!

the.thinker said...

انا لله وانا اليه راجعون ،، عظم الله أجرج اختي العزيزة

وعسى الله يرحمه برحمته الواسعه ويبدله دار خير من داره ان شاء الله .

Sky Is Falling said...

عظم الله اجركم.. الله يرحمه ويغمد روحه الجنه و عسى الله يثبتكم ويصبركم

Arabian lady said...

b.p : ajerna wajrech, ameen enshalla.

b.s : ajerna wajrech, ameen, eeh Allah yhadahum ;s !! ma3arif 3an ily da3ma 3adel bss ele a3arfa ina fe mushkila 3laih le2ana kan yga7e9 ib fereej byoot o mo shab his lights o dayes 7ail ;'( !! o lama o5oy awal shay gam min i6ai7a chan yid3ima again o ymawta !!!!! .. aah !

the thinker : ajerna wajrek o5oy , amen..

sky is falling : thankyou o ajerna wajrech enshalla ..

Manno~ said...

3atham Allah agrekom..
Allah yeskenah fasee7 gannatah w yegma3kom feeh bel jannah yarab!
Don't lose ur faith in Allah..
(إن الله مع الصابرين)
dear sis..just wanna remind u that the greatest reward from God in the hereafter is for patient ppl
قال تعالى:
(انما يوفى الصابرون اجرهم بغير حساب

Arabian lady said...

mona : thanks for the pure comment ! , i really like what you said and ill remember every word thankyou :)

Unknown said...

ena liAllah wa ina elayh Raje3on :l 3atham Allah ajerkom.

Anonymous said...

3athm Allah Ajerkum Weghamid Ro7ah iljanah Enshalah..Eli Sawa il7adith A3rfah Ma3rfah Sa67iyah Kan Tawa M6ali3 elaisn Nafs yom il7adith .. Allah yahdeh w Yahdena M3ah :)

Arabian lady said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Arabian lady said...

n. : ajerna wajrek ;'( !

Arabian lady said...

F.alyaseen : ajerna wajrek ;'( !!
i still cant believe it ! how irresponsible and impetuous behavior ;\ !!
Allah ysam7a o ysame7na ma3ah enshalla.

F. said...

I'm so sorry.
3atham Allah ajirkom

Anonymous said...

3atham Allah ajerkum :(
Allah yer7ema we9aberkum inshallah

Arabian lady said...

F : ajerna wajrech, yezach Allah 5air.

i : thankx 3la ildu3a , Ameen enshalla , o ajerna wajrech/k enshalla.

the.thinker said...

طمنينا عنكم اختي .. شلونج وشلون الأهل

Rawan said...

عظم الله أجركم و اسكنه فسيج جناته .. و الله يرحمه برحمته الواسعه..و ان شاء الله يبدله بدار خير من دراه و يعوضكم بالصبر ..

هذا امتحان و اختبار من الله سبحانه .. كوني قويه

قال تعالى(( وبشر الصابرين، الذين إذا أصابتهم مصيبة قالوا إن لله وإن اليه راجعون ))

Arabian lady said...

the thinker : el7imdela kelena b5air. thankx for asking.

rawan : 9aja ya rawani , o hathi idenya ;\ .. enshalla ra7 inshofa bil firdous la3la.. Amen.

thankx 3ala il Aya,i love it !

rencontrer Pauline said...

3'6m allah ajrkm allah yr7ama o e'3mad ro7a el jena ameen,3'6am allah ajerkm

Anonymous said...

May Allah accept all of his good deeds, and grant him a place of happiness in jannah.

And may He make all of you ever-strong, and reward all of your patience, and gather you all together again in jannah inshaAllah!
