Saturday, April 19, 2008

Picture of the year(Hungry cat)

Salam 3laikum, Finally today i finished doing KU aptitude test ! my week isn't full anymore its back to normal alhamdolila :) .

the bad and good news is that i am beginning my FINALS at the first week of may its bad because nothing left and i just have few days to relax ! and the good news is that WHOOOOW !! ill finish early and ill have extra MONTH just chilling and sleeping :p ( lol i know that i am not that type i am sure ill have something making me busy )

anyway , look at my picture of the year :p
its captured by NOKIA so don't think its a high resolution pic. :p

Yala get ready .

i was really scared when i took that picture because the cat was moving in a weird way .

look at the other cat ( LOL ) , eventually my driver carried the whiskas can , and THE CAT WAS RELEASED !

thats it for today.
Salam Alaikum :)


Anonymous said...

hahahay,, very nice pic,,

yala 3ad sheday 7elich bil exams oo allah yewafgich :D

have a nice time,,:D

Ahmed© said...

i hatme cats, eyeeboon il 7asasiya :/

Anonymous said...

lol that was a nice one..I wonder if she ever took her mouth out of the box :D

OutOfReach said...

poor cat lol
good luck

LaLa said...

mo bas shakilha mindamjaa bil can ;p

MMK080 said...

ooff I hate cats. I am allergic to them. My nose starts running and my eyes itch so does my back whenever they are around.

I am trying to convince my parents that it is allergies from the cats that hang out in the front yard outside bas maafeee faidah. Igooloonli feek 7asasiyah min ta`3yeer il jaw. Ay ta`3yeer jaw! I live in Qatar, it is always warm and humid!

Anyway sorry for the rant. Nice blog u've got!

Arabian lady said...

ebrahim : enshalla :) , thankyou.

ahmed : lol sub7ana Allah i love cats !
amu : hehehe ! she did she did.

outofreach : thankyou , amen.

lala : 3ad a7is ilcan kanat fathya already :p

mmk : lol yimkin 9ij ta'3yeer jaw ? jk ! , don't worry it seems that they know but they are doing this to you on purpose :p
7ayak Allah.

Big Pearls said...

ya7lail il cat:)

Arabian lady said...

b.p : Ahlaan ;P WB WB , ya7lailech intay :p

Anonymous said...

Good words.