Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Club penguin

Salam 3laikum , Shlunkom ?
madre shfeeni these days habba ib www.clubpenguin.com mawqi3 7ada mosale , 6ab3an te3araft 3laih min o5wani =p..
how does it work ?
1.you create your account then log on
2. meet young people and chat with'em .
3. you can shop , buy a pet , and sit in a cafe with real people
4. play ! play ! play ! and score coins

Finally , the more coins you gain the more stuff you can buy.

7adkum enjoy it !

W.salam 3laikum ;)


Anonymous said...

عجيبه هاللعبه جربتها مع الصغار و استمتعت بها إلى درجة اني سويت عضويه و شريت بيت مجكنم في مستعمرة البطارق المرحه،اشوه انني مو العربي الوحيد اللي هبيت بهاللعبه الونيسه

Arabian lady said...

hehe , 9ij its fun !
la mo il3arabi ilwa7eed still a3arif wayed nas q8tien ib hal li3ba :D